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a potato with stuffed mind
All things about Psychology
From parenting, mental health, love, to anything Psychology related.

Some basic knowledge about Psychology
Little bit information about mental health I would like to share. I hope it can be useful to all of us.

What is mental health?
WHO said, "a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community"
Mental health is more than the absence of Mental Illness.
How much do you know about your own potential? Can you cope with your surroundings? Are you able to make a contribution and appreciate even the tiny bit of them?
From now on, let's be more aware of our mental health. One way to increase it is by reaching out to those we trust.
"Brave enough to talk,
Care enough to listen".

slow down.
soften your forehead,
unclench your jaw,
relax your shoulder,
loosen your grip,
and take a deep breath.
Happy #WorldMentalHealthDay

Hi, please read this.
Thank you.
I don't know who you are, but thank you.
Thank you for your existence.
Thank you for trying your best to live and love.
Thank you for still hang in there.
Thank you as you are living through the great pressure, you inspire us
that human is stronger than we thought.
Thank you for all the great effort to stay alive.
You did your best, so hang in there.
Love, stranger.

Self-compassion is how we see ourself, how we treat ourself after we did a mistakes or in a negative situations. How we can understand ourself that we are human are imperfect, always do mistakes and have failure.
Self-compassion is related to mental health. In fact, they helped us through bad time by being kind to ourself and not judging and criticize our mistakes too hard, understand that we as a human have mistakes and by being mindful - not overreacting in a negative situations.
Self-compassion is not about being narcistic or ignoring our mistakes. They are about how we forgive ourself and move on from our mistakes. Of course, evaluating is fine but you can't turn back the time. So, forgive yourself and let go.

Have you ever stumble upon a very stressful situation where it just change yourself to a whole different person?
A heartbreak, the loss of loved one, bullies, and other thing that you perceived as stressful (it's all valid!). But instead of having a trauma, you become this strong and mature person. Yes, that is what we call as post-traumatic growth. Where it might haunt you all the time, you learn to befriend them and learn. Believe me, we as a human have the capacity to do it. We are fragile indeed, but invincible.
It's okay to be sad or terrified of your trauma. Accept however you feel and take a deep breath. Let's walk with it, learn from it, and move forward. The trauma eventually change from aterrifying monster to this wiseful old grandpa who taught us a lot.
Just tiny bit information from my Psychology degree that I would love to share.
Munculnya pandemi Covid-19 ini pasti membuat siapapun panik! Tapi, jangan sampai hal tersebut memengaruhi anak kita ya, ayah dan bunda. Yuk, berikan edukasi tanpa menakut-nakuti anak kita, tumbuhkan rasa aman dan harapan bahwa semuanya akan baik-baik saja. Disamping itu juga, mumpung ayah dan bunda lagi bisa ngumpul sama anak dirumah, mari kita terapkan dan perbaiki hubungan dengan anak kita, salah satunya dengan menumbuhkan secure attachment agar anak mampu menjadi pribadi yang berani dan percaya diri.
Semangat parentingnya ya, ayah dan bunda!
Punya anak yang gabisa nurut? Wajar!
Punya anak yang nanya melulu ketika disuruh? Wajar juga! Tapi, apakah cara kita menyikapinya sudah wajar? Mari ketahui mengapa bertanya dan bernegosiasi itu penting untuk perumbuhan anak kita di usia dini. Semoga bermanfaat ya, ayah dan bunda! Yuk mulai smart parenting untuk melahirkan smart kids!
Bukan hanya virus Covid-19 yang berbahaya! Narcissistic Parenting juga toxic! Waspadailah dan jaga anak anda dari kurangnya rasa percaya diri dan self-love! Ayo, gunakan gaya asuh yang sehat untuk anak kita. Menurut jurnal ilmiah Pajak, Edward F. (2011) ada beberapa ciri-ciri narcissistic parenting. Yuk, kita sama2 liat apakah kita termasuk dari salah satu atau lebih ciri-cirinya?
1. Memiliki ekspektasi yang berlebihan pada anaknya.
2. Memaksakan anaknya agar menjadi anak yang sempurna.
3. Selalu mencari kesalahan anaknya.
4. Merasa paling superior dan berhak dalam segalanya.
5. Tidak memiliki rasa empati dan simpati terhadap anaknya baik secara fisik maupun psikologis.
6. Keinginan untuk terus – menerus mengontrol, baik dengan cara tindakan kekerasan secara verbal, fisik, maupun tindakan halus seperti memanipulasi perasaan anaknya untuk mendapatkan apa yang dia mau.
7. Mengizinkan/memberikan apa yang anak mau karena ingin sesuatu (tidak tulus).
8. Memiliki keyakinan bahwa apa yang diinginkan dan dilakukan pasti adalah yang terbaik untuk anaknya sendiri tanpa memikirkan perasaan anak.
9. Merasa dirinya dan kemauannya paling penting dan berhak ditaati.
10. Tidak menghargai dan menghormati keinginan anak.
11. Sangat menyukai pujian, dan melakukan apapun untuk mendapatkannya.
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